going great.
still loving it
getting busier
getting promoted... (not sure if that's what i can call it... maybe just a change in responsibility?)
this is why life has been so crazy:
About a month ago, it was being discussed that i would be getting newer and different responsibilities.... .... it only became official last week of what those responsibilites would be. So for three weeks, i was doing things that i wasn't supposed to know i would be doing for the long haul. (if that makes any sense....) don't get me wrong, i LOVE my job, but at times i feel like i'm in adequate to do the things i'm doing.... i don't feel like i have enough experience, or that i'm old enough to have this much responsibility. im only 20 (21 in 7 weeks, random side note) and i'm the youngest in our office, surrounded by people that have way more life experiences than i do, and have more experience in the dental field. i'm flattered obviously that my boss trusts me with this much responsibility, but i'm a little intimidated... i know that this is happening to me for a reason, and it's definitely opening my eyes to all the opportunities available to me in my life, but does this usually happen to people my age??
all of this has been such a learning experience for me, and i'm glad that this is happening, but right now it's all that consumes my life. when i leave work, i go home, talk about my day at work, think about how the day could have gone better, etc... basically it's all i think about anymore. it's all i talk about with my friends (thank goodness one of them is a DA and can understand what i'm going through...) and it literally consumes most of my time. this, along with my church calling (miamaid advisor) planning for school, looking for apts. and roommates, trying to find time for a social life, and all the other day to day encounters i find myself in, i have been feeling like i don't have time for me... just to hang out, do the little things i used to do before my life became this way. hopefully i will be able to balance all of the different places and situations in my life, and find time for me again, hopefully i find that when i take a "spur of the moment" DREAM vacation to BOSTON in two weeks. as i've been preparing for this trip, i realize that maybe this is why my life has been the way it is recently... APPRECIATION for "me" time. . before my life became hectic i used to waste my day sleeping in, maybe going to the gym, watching sportscenter for hours (and it repeats itself every hour!) hanging out in basketball shorts and a t-shirt all day, and maybe from time to time doing something borderline exciting. basically i was idle.. my time wasn't used effectively at all, and although at the time i enjoyed it, today it would be driving me crazy because i've turned myself into this person that i didn't think i would like, a busy person, but also a very happy person. i didn't realize those two could coexist. i've experienced both extremes throughout the last year, and now i'm looking for the happy medium. busy time AND me time. is it possible? we shall see....
Sorry for the ramblings, as you can imagine from reading the above, i have way too many things running through my head all the time.... it gets exhausting.
i seriously can't believe summer is almost over. school starts in 2 weeks (the day after i get back from BOSTON, great timing right??) and i'm not even the slightest bit prepared. honestly, i don't think i'll be ready for school to start when it's been in session for two weeks. usually i'm excited about starting school because it's an opportunity to "start over" to a certain extent, but i don't even want to think about finding a time or place to focus on school. i just don't know if my mind can handle THIS much. i might go crazy until i figure all of this out, so please stay with me, and don't pretend like you don't know me when i completely lose my mind...
anyway, back to summer.... it's been so great. although i haven't been able to do as much stuff as i have in the past, i have had some pretty cool memories and opportunities so that's always exciting. it's been spent with so much family time that it might seem overwhelming, but i honestly wouldn't have it any other way. my family is the greatest, and they're so supportive of everything i do all the time, even when we're doing nothing we are always having so much fun! this summer has also been filled with lots of time with extended family....
as i mentioned in the previous post, my cousin palmer came home from his mission in june, and just like i imagined, he hasn't changed a bit.
photo evidence:

this picture is like a before and after photo.... two years ago vs. two months ago.
after the crazy got home from his mission i was able to go to seattle and see my other favorite cousins.

Obviously we went to see the sox too, but mostly the cousins... :)
we went to a few softball games, and i'm proud to say that my little sister followed in my footsteps and became a city champ!! this was so exciting for me, because softball truly is my favorite sport.

both of us sporting our champions t-shirts. so exciting. :)
this is basically my summer in a nutshell, and i can't believe it's over.
Sorry about the ramblings in the beginning, but at least you all could see some sense of normalcy towards the end.
oh and did you notice how i said i was going to BOSTON?? yes, this is happening. two weeks. Fenway Park and Kenny Chesney/Tim McGraw concert. :) i'll keep you posted.
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