Thursday, June 7, 2012

just because i smile...

...doesn't mean my life is perfect.
Although things seem to be going really well right now with all of the changes and opportunities I have had throughout the past couple of months, there are definitely things I would change, who wouldn't, given the chance?
I love my job, but I wish I worked more. (how often do people really say that??)
I love my friends, but I wish we had more time to be together...
I love my family, but we don't seem to see each other enough, even though we all live together.
I love school, but I'm glad I'm on vacation. 
I love summertime, but my schedule doesn't seem to want to cooperate with Utah weather.
I love my life, but it's not perfect.

These are just some thoughts that have been crossing my mind today. 
The new job is going great, and I really do LOVE it. here's some info. 

Some members of my family are going to Seattle in 3 weeks from today! I'm so excited! Pictures to come... obviously.

in EXACTLY 2 weeks, yes, 2 WEEKS! the three amigos will be reunited once again.

allow me to introduce you to two of my favorite people EVER. Left: Spencer, Right: Palmer, Center: Me (if you didn't know that, you shouldn't be reading my blog.) 

Meet Palmer Louis:


This kid (guy?) is seriously amazing. He's spent the last two years in Guatemala. He's coming home on the 21st of June, and I'm seriously so excited. He's going to be attending UVU with me next fall, and it will obviously be a party. :) His brother Spencer (in the photo above) and I have had to have ALL the fun on our own while he's been gone, but TRUST ME- family parties will never be the same once we are all reunited. I can guarantee that. :) or at least until Spencer leaves in January.... :(

Okay, that's all I'm gonna say for now, and as my summer continues to happen, I promise I will try to be better. :)

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