Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wow... Really??

So remember how I was excited to graduate from High School, and move on with my life???
College starts tomorrow, and I'm seriously SO FREAKED OUT!
The last week of my summer has been pretty blah...
  • My DARLING little sister had a soccer tournament all the way in Layton for 4 straight days last week. Fun? Not exactly. I love my little sister, but spending the last full week of MY summer at a soccer tournament shows my true dedication to her. I know, I'm a good sister. joke.
  • My mom's a teacher. Typically, the last week of summer is dedicated to setting up her classroom. This isn't as easy as it sounds. You see, my mom is not a very organized person, this makes things complicated when trying to make a classroom presentable. Sure, it looks cute now, but not without all the hard work .
  • I've been spending time with my friends who are still in High School. I love them. One of them is my next-door neighbor, and she's been like a sister to me my ENTIRE life (okay, her entire life... since I'm older.) And also my friend, Danielle. She's going to be a senior, and it's weird that I won't be there to share those memories with her, because she was a HUGE part of my senior year.
Tomorrow, as I drive past my high school towards UVU it's going to be EXTREMELY weird, but I realize it's all part of growing up. No matter how much I hate it, it's inevitable. Gotta move on sometime. Why not now?
Anyway, this was my thought for the night.
I have to go to school tomorrow. No wait, College tomorrow.
Wish me Luck!


Anika said...

GoOd LuCk!!

oh, darn, I'm late, huh? well, how was it? the fun is just beginning! Enjoy it! :)

{you'll be great!}

Katie said...

Thanks so much! :)
I wouldn't consider it late at all... I don't get on here very much, so you're good. ;)
College is all good, I'm just not ready to grow up yet. That's all. :)