Friday, March 11, 2011

Life Lately.

Sorry my post titles are so boring. That's how the last couple weeks have been well.... Here's the run-down:

This has described me the last week +

I hate being sick, and this time, it's been brutal. I just keep feeling like I'm not getting any better, and then when there's a sign of possible healing, I just get MORE sick. It's driving me crazy. Throw that on top of all my school work/papers/tests etc. and it causes a lot of stress... hence, the no blogging thing. ;) So now you know my reasons/excuse.

If any of you followers out there don't know, I'm a HUGE Utah Jazz fan... if you really didn't know, why are you following this blog? ;) just kidding. I'll be honest though, since the recent changes (Sloan resigning, D-Will being traded, and endless amounts of injury) it's become very clear that IF we make the playoffs, we will be an eighth seed, which is no bueno. My dad has been trying to convince me that we don't want the Jazz to win, because then we will get a possibility of a high draft pick in June. This is all fine and dandy, but I can't stand the idea of WANTING my team to lose. It's awful. I want them to beat a few specific teams, and they can lose the rest, but even after convincing myself of that, I still can't do it. True fans don't ever give up. right? If we do happen to fall into 12-15 in the West, we will be entered into the lottery (picks 1-10) PLUS, we will have the New Jersey Nets first round pick, which if things stay consistent will also be a lottery pick, which equals the possibility of 2 first round picks. Can you imagine. With these picks we can maybe get a shot at this guy:

You DON'T know who this is?!? This is Jimmer, he's pretty awesome. He is the leading scorer int the MWC, and in BYU history. He's in the running, and has been named player of the year by national sports centers (sports illustrated, CBS etc..) He led the Cougars to a 30-3 season. Probably the most popular guy in Provo. Still don't know who he is? Type "Jimmer Fredette" into google, and you'll know. Oh, and he just dropped 52 points in a win against New Mexico in the MWC tourney. He's pretty amazing.

With a cougar win, AND a Jazz loss. I guess tonight can be considered okay. We'll see how long this anti-jazz streak lasts. ;)

until next time,

I'm going to take nyquill and go to bed!


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