Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Miracle in Miami. :)

Tonight was seriously such a GREAT night. I will admit, I was coming into this week with a VERY pessimistic mind. First, Indianapolis lost on Sunday... bummer. So I turned to the Jazz for my sports high.... Little did I know this was there schedule:

Tuesday: @Miami Heat (big three anyone?)

Chris Bosh, Dwayne Wade, and Lebron James

Wednesday: @Orland Magic (Superman??)

Friday: Atlanta Hawks (the ONLY team Utah didn't beat last year at least once.)

Saturday: @Charlotte Bobcats (the team Michael Jordan owns)

As you can probably see... It was VERY hard to be optimistic about this week. 4 playoff teams in 5 days? Seriously?? Facing the Heat and the Magic in 2 days is bad enough. I was thinking this would be a rough week. Until tonight!

Tonight I was looking for a BLOW-OUT in Miami. Yes, the Jazz were down 22 points at a certain point, and at half-time were down by 19. BUT I didn't give up. :) As the scores got closer and closer to each other, my heart started pounding, and I was getting excited. My dad told me that it was good to be a fan, but to not get my hopes up. I don't know. I couldn't give up. That's not my style. :) My parents could hear my sister and I celebrating the Jazz closing in on Miami, but still didn't think it would happen. Long story short... Jazz go into overtime, without this guy:

Deron Williams. What. A. Stud.

Overtime was SO intense. People didn't think they had a chance, but thanks to Paul Millsap... the Jazz close in on Miami 114-116 in OT.
Thanks goodness Utah has Paulie. :)


So yes, this was a long post, but I needed to say it. I definitely was feeling pessimistic about this week, BUT I now have serious faith in the Jazz. :)

Oh, and the best Facebook quotes of the night (yes there were SO many):

  • Paul Millsap just brought his talents to South Beach
  • cavs>heat
  • you're right lebron "we are all witnesses"
  • OVERTIME!!!!!!!!!!!! 116-114 JAZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God watches basketball!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a good night! I sure am!

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