Thursday, July 22, 2010

Life Lately...

So since the last time I blogged
(almost 2 months ago)
TONS has happened.
Here we go:

1. May 26th, my sister left for the MTC on her
way to New York. sadly no photos.

2. Graduation, seriously SO amazing! Weird, but Amazing.

Danielle and Me. :)

Eric, McKenzie and Me.

Best Friends since 8th Grade. :)

My Family, just missing one. :)

Seriously, I still can't believe this day finally came!
There are tons more on my Facebook Page.
Check them out here:

3. June 2nd-7th: Disneyland.
We didn't take a lot of pictures,
but enough to create memories. :)
some of my favorites:

So, they had these Mickey Mouse Graduation hats,
but I didn't want to buy it... so I just posed for a picture. ;)
and I LOVE the Celtics shirt I borrowed
to wear during the NBA finals. :)

My Family. Nate HAD to represent the hometown,
so naturally, he wore his Jazz shirt.
Needless to say, we got a lot of attention. :)
And surprisingly we got my dad to come with us.
Yes, MY dad. Crazy, I know.

Once again, me supporting Boston.
Seriously, I hated LA so bad that I had to support
their opponents no matter how much I dislike them.
AKA Boston. Hence, the Red Sox hat. :)

4. My Cousin/Best Friend Palmer left on his mission.
Horrible. I hated this more than I hated my sister leaving.

Notice the abuse I get from these guys.
Typical Christensen get-together. This was after the farewell.

Good Luck Elder Christensen. Guatemala will be GREATLY blessed! :)

5. The 4th of July came and went.
I can't believe my summer is half over. Yucky. :P

I hung out with some AMAZING friends, and we had a blast!

and of course, my dad's firework show
didn't fail to impress. here's a preview:

Grand Finale!

6. We made a surprise visit to the
Payson Pool to visit our FAVORITE lifeguard, Spencer!
yes, he's my cousin, but he's also the reason
we went there. Unfortunately, we got no pictures of him,
but we got some of us, until my phone got
thrown into a pool... bummer.
Anyway, long story short, it was an hour
long drive for a SWEET pool,
and having the CRAZIEST memories.

hopefully I can post sometime soon. :)

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